Sunday, June 18, 2017


After studying the writings of Hahnemann for over these years, I am more than convinced that he was very clear as to the procedure for taking a case, and what symptoms are required to be used for prescribing symptoms.
Nowhere does Hahnemann state that one symptom has priority or seniority over another.

In aphorism 6, he instructs to take ONLY symptoms that have changed since or just prior to the disease/infection, of the body and the mind. Here there is NO differentiation of mental or physical changes in terms of rank.

In aphorism 153, he states: In this search for a homoeopathic specific remedy, that is to say, in this comparison of the collective symptoms of the natural disease with the list of symptoms of known medicines, in order to find among these an artificial morbific agent corresponding by similarity to the disease to be cured, the more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case of disease are chiefly and most solely to be kept in view; for it is more particularly these that very similar ones in the list of symptoms of the selected medicine must correspond to, in order to constitute it the most suitable for effecting the cure.

The more general and undefined symptoms: loss of appetite, headache, debility, restless sleep, discomfort, and so forth, demand but little attention when of that vague and indefinite character, if they cannot be more accurately described, as symptoms of such a general nature are observed in almost every disease and from almost every drug.

Again NO differentiation between mental and physical symptoms.

If we be logical about this, Hahnemann is stressing to find altered expressions of disease in the now sick person, WHEREVER they are and WHATEVER they are.

In aphorism 133 he states: On experiencing any particular sensation from the medicine, it is useful, indeed necessary, in order to determine the exact character of the symptom, to assume various positions while it lasts, and to observe whether, by moving the part affected, by walking in the room or the open air, by standing, sitting or lying the symptom is increased, diminished or removed, and whether it returns on again assuming the position in which it was first observed, - whether it is altered by eating or drinking, or by any other condition, or by speaking, coughing, sneezing or any other action of the body, and at the same time to note at what time of the day or night it usually occurs in the most marked manner, whereby what is peculiar to and characteristic of each symptom will become apparent.

This applies to ANY symptom mental or physical.
Logic also dictates that if a sick person does not have an altered mental change… WE CANNOT USE IT! We do not use personality in our prescription ever, UNLESS ALTERED.

Many practitioners during the time of Kent and since have been taught that the mental disposition is the key to solving each case.

They Quote aphorism 211 to support this postulation. This holds good to such an extent, that the state of the disposition of the patient often chiefly determines the selection of the homoeopathic remedy, as being a decidedly characteristic symptom which can least of all remain concealed from the accurately observing physician.

However: a read of the aphorism in conjunction with the topic under discussion from 210 to 230, will show that 211 is the cornerstone of dealing with one sided mental diseases only!

If a practitioner spend his or her time searching for mental or emotional states for each and every the patient, they may miss out on the correct prescribing symptoms.

That is why we defer to original writings only and leave out interpretations so as to not make a mistake.

Friday, May 12, 2017


Gender: Female
Age: 22 years
Profession: Student of BSc
Marital Status: Un-married

Chief Complaints:

She has complain of Pimples since last 6 years. It was started from 11th STD.
She has taken Allopathic medicines for it. And if she does not take it than pimple would appear again. She said that she is dependent on Allopathic medicines, like a kind of Addiction about them.
She said that the Look was her priority and she is not comfortable in communication with friends when there was pimples.
Pimples are Pustular. [3] White, offensive and thick pus [3] painful [2]
Worse by drinking milk [2] and mental stress [3]
Other Complaints:

Sometimes she has headache. Headache esp. after crying [2]

Personal Medical History:

She had ovarian cyst. Right side.
Recurrent cold and cough in childhood. No Such attacks now. Treated by Allopathic medicines.
Mumps & Chicken pox

Family Medical History:

Mother and Father both have High Blood pressure.
Grand Father (P) was died due to heart attack at age of 56 years.
Physical Generals:

She is chilly [2]
Dreams of Horror [2]
Desires sweet [3] Disagree spicy food [2]
Thirst is less [2] not frequent, wants chilled water every-time [3]

Mental/Emotional Sphere:

By nature she is calm, kind and helpful. Takes on trifles calmly, rarely becomes angry. For her freedom matters a lot in life. Childhood was the most enjoyable time when there was a free life, no stress.
She has told that 12th std. was life turning for her. She got less percentages in examination and she was very much disappointed from it. She has guilt that she has not fulfilled the expectations of her parents.
By that time she felt weakness. Life was stressful. She lacks interest in studies. She said that comparing to as my school time, nowadays work & study is so much difficult for her. 
In school time, she was a bright student, standing in 1-5 ranks. Competitive sense was full at that time. She also has interest in extra curriculum activities. She liked to take parts in different-different competitions.
But now no such energy is there. Seems all skills are taken away by God.
She loves Attention of others. She said that she felt very well when others gave her attention and value, even in school time it was very great feeling to get attention among few students.
Now, she feels that no skills are there as before. She is unable to speak in between public or on stage.
This condition of her is stressful for her. She said that she felt inferiority, I know that I am superior but if some-one punished me or scolded me than I am unable to oppose. Though I am not wrong but I have no guts to oppose them. I just accept what they have told me and leave to the God.
Stress makes her sleepless at nights. Many times she gets better by Weeping. She said that I get rid my inner stress by crying purposefully. She cries in alone.
She is conscious about her look. She is unable to go outside or communicate with friend when there is pimples on face. She has admitted that she felt Jealous when someone other is looking prettier than her.
She likes to travel much. She loves places where there is water and also natural resorts.
She loves to help other, esp. poor and orphan people. Because there is no one to support them.
She has fear to go alone at night, feels horror [2]
Fear of Speed, feels accident would occur [2]



Eruption on skin is reversible condition mostly occurs in teen age due to hormonal imbalance.

Pathology of this case is mostly on physical plane. That is to on a skin. When making prognosis we can conclude by the case that complain is reversible and curable by looking in case history, case is on Group A.

She had ovarian cyst in past, was resolved by itself and patient has recurrent cold and cough in childhood. So, it confirms that patient is on a Group A.

Hereditary predisposition is on deeper level but still patient is not getting affected by those predisposition conditions.

From the case & personal as well as family medical history, we can conclude that Patient is in Level 3 of Group A.

  Selection of Symptoms

1.     Peculiar:
Yielding +2
Weeping ameliorates +2
Sweet desire +3
Desire spicy food +2

2.     Intense:
Pustular Pimples +3
White, thick, offensive discharges +3
Aggravation by Milk +2



   Differentiation of Remedies

“Lyco.” – weeping disposition is not as marked in Lycopodium as comparing to patient’s intensity.

“Puls.” – yielding disposition, weeping tendency, dreams and other physicals with the essence of drug is matching with Patient’s complain. So, it would be drug of Choice.

“Phos.” – There is no such desire aversion markedly present and yielding disposition is not present as compare to Puls.


Pulsatilla and 1M would be choice of potency because the case belongs to upper group with marked symptomatology.

Follow Up:

Second consultation after 15 days from first consultation:
On second day Patient had mild aggravation in all the complaints but after that she was getting ameliorated.
The discharge is not so much now and pimple getting healed But still she has symptomatology so given placebo for one month.

 Third consultation:
Patient had an acute but it was milder than usual so advised to wait and watch.
After that she was still improving so again placebo prescribed for month.

 Fourth consultation:
The main complain again started. New Pimple is now appearing. Discharge is increased so she required repetition of the remedy. Puls 1M prescribed followed by placebo for 15 days.

  Fifth consultation:
Again there was an aggravation for 2 – 3 days followed by amelioration. Placebo prescribed for one month.

Sixth consultation:
Better in all complaints no repetition needed placebo given for one month.

 Seventh Consultation:
Patient is better in all complaints. Energy is increased. Emotionally also patient is better than before. All the eruption went. No medicine needed.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Underlying Concepts Of Homœopathy

Health is seen as freedom and creativity.

On the mental plane, the deepest aspect of your functions around which all else revolves, we are concerned with having accurate information, effective memory, workable or consistent concepts, clarity of data processing, a sound sense of purpose and goals (including a clear basis of spiritual or metaphysical grounding and connection) – this is not the level of passion, but of accuracy, clarity, and connection. Freedom on this level means freedom from Selfishness, Errors and Confusion. Creativity means access to the tools and goals and impetus in the cognitive and spiritual sphere. 

On the emotional plane, the next level of our functions, health means freedom of the Passions – access to the rich variety of feelings of a whole and wholesome human experience. Health on the emotional level also means freedom from passions. Clearly, one can be limited or distressed if plagued by uncontrollable feelings – by anxiety, depression, or even more positive feelings of manic joyfulness or sexual stimulation, etc. if they drive one to inappropriate and destructive actions or expressions. Creativity means the experience of newness, evolution, enhancement in loving connections with others and enthusiasm in one’s life pursuits. 

On the third and most superficial level, the physical plane, health means freedom from Pain and Physical limitations – smooth, effective, comfortable functioning in interface with the physical environment. 
Symptoms are essentially the limitations of freedom. Disease means a complex or combination of symptoms that occur together. 

The concept of constitution is a very important one in Homœopathy – it is the groundwork or underlying context and processes of the individual. At the core of our constitution is our genetic endowment manifested as our ongoing psychology, physiology, biochemistry as modified by our environment past and present. Chronic disease influences, learned behaviour and thought patterns, nutritional factors, etc. become important in the imbalances and weaknesses in our constitution. 

A cure means not merely removal of symptoms but freedom from pain in physical body with a state of well being; freedom from passion on emotional level with dynamic state of serenity and calmness and freedom from selfishness on mental plane with having total unification of the truth. (When ongoing in some cases where it should not be or recurrent treatment is needed, this is considered “palliation”, “suppression” but not “cure”.)
The vital force is the inner, organizing, generating strength of the individual. We look at the individual as a whole – rather than some few symptoms or body systems – and we are concerned with the strength and organization of the vital force that directs the whole life show on the mental, emotional, and physical planes. The reason for assessing the vital force as clearly as we can is that it gives us an idea how long or short (weeks or years), stormy or easy the individual’s path to cure will be – and in fact whether the individual can be cured or only palliated. In a culture at least unaccepting, if not hostile, to Homœopathy where mistakes or manifestations of limitations are hard to tolerate, we should decide whether we should be undertaking the treatment of this particular patient at all. 

Suppression is another very important concept. Suppression revolves around the concept that the individual is an integrated whole, and the observations that when symptoms are treated piecemeal rather than treating the individual as a whole one is quite likely to see the disease displaced or suppressed to a deeper level. For example, eczema is “successfully” treated (that is suppressed) by Cortisone, and the patient develops asthma instead – not the concern of the dermatologist who has been successful in removing the eczema, although the patient as a whole is feeling worse. Subsequently, when asthma is suppressed by sympathomimetic inhalants etc., the patient becomes depressed or anxious (on the emotional level) or confused, paranoid (on the mental level). Mainstream or traditional (“allopathic”) medicine is usually suppressive. This is less important if the individual’s vital force is strong and can overcome the disease process anyway. It is also usually unnoticed because allopathic physicians are not trained to think wholistically, to recognize suppression when it occurs. They do not have the experience and concepts (Hering’s Observations of Cure) to expect, observe, and explain the suppression process.  

Saturday, March 18, 2017

There is Only one handicap to homeopathy, and this is that it is extremely difficult to master. Recalling my own experience, I can say with certainty that I can hardly remember a day in my life all these years when this really Divine science has not occupied the best part of my thoughts. It was soon that I realized that I was Living only for Homeopathy. I knew that this was the secret for therapeutic effectiveness and even personal gratification. Homeopathy is a Living dynamic science and can be effective only if it becomes a living pulsating knowledge within the mind and heart of the practicing homeopath. -- Prof. George Vithoulkas (Preface of Science Of Homeopathy) #vithoulkas #IACH

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Get Rid Of Universal Syndromes..... - Need Never Rebuild.

Laziness of the practitioner is a universal syndrome in most professions (Homœopaths Are suffering more). Statements like "I am doing well enough; I am satisfied; why make more efforts; why study more?" are all arguments that do not hold up under scrutiny. Why bother to check facts when you can quote a new guru-Homœopath's opinion who charmed your shoes off yesterday? Then there is Arrogance: "I am a great practitioner. I do Better than Most." Indifference is another prevalent emotion: " I can't spend My time investigating what Hahnemann did in his 'senile' years."  may be practitioner is guided by misplaced Egotism: "I want to do my own version of Homœopathy. Homœopathy did not stop with Hahnemann. He would have been proud with my experiments." Yes, it is the duty of every generation to go beyond the last one.
Hering once said: "it is the duty of all of us to go further in the theory and practice homeopathy than Hahnemann has done. we ought to seek truth, which is before us and forsake the errors of the past" 
Homœopathy has evolved considerably in last 150 years. nevertheless, Homœopaths still have much to learn from what Hahnemann taught in his works. I doubt he would be proud if we are shining against and omitting basic laws and rules. I do agree that too much dogma is always counterproductive and that an open mind is an important part of growth. I can hope that we all can progress beyond Hahnemann's knowledge, but we are not arrive there by denying that the organon had anything to do with it. The organon is the text on which Homœopathic healing is based. I never thought it was religious document to be followed blindly, but I do treat it with utmost respect, because without it there would be no Homœopathy. 
Insults from "well-known" Homœopaths such as "religious dogma," "stuck in the past," and "that old dusty bible," are used to undermine the careful observations of several generations of experienced Homœopaths. To "modernize" Homœopathy by ignoring its legacy is like throwing the baby out with bath water. it is like building the proverbial house on a base of sand instead of rock. As soon as the wind of difficulty blow, and the rains of hard times fall, the house will come crashing down. 

Eclectics building upon the uncertain sands of theory need to be continually rebuilding, as each new theory causes a shifting of their foundation. Homœopaths, building upon unchangeable rock of law, Need Never Rebuild. -- Dr. J. T. Kent (Minor Writings)

Thursday, March 9, 2017


"It ought not to cause astonishment that for such very acute outburst of latent psora the antipsoric remedies are not suitable, therefor, that spirit. vini sulphuratus (or even Graphites, which is such an excellent Homœopathic remedy for erysipelas of the face) was not suitable in the face-erysipelas fever of your wife. These remedies are appropriate for the slow, radical cure of the Causa Prima of the face erysipelas. Now unantipsoric remedies (like Rhus tox. in your case), which correspond to the present transient morbid picture, are the appropriate medicines; they can quickly quell the exciting acute explosion, so that condition calm down again into latent psora, to which these remedies have little or no affinity"
Life and letters of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann ; T. L. Bradford, p.184

Hahnemann clearly separated true acute disease from pseudo-acute disorders caused by flare up of the psoric miasm. They both represents acute like states but a true acute disease is caused by an external exciting cause while pseudo- acute disease is actually crisis produced by the flare up of chronic miasm. Hahnemann suggested stapf administer acute anti psoric remedies for the crisis and then return to the administration of deep acting anti-psoric. Hahnemann suggested the use of  acute intercurrents during severe crisis and chronic anti-psoric treatment for the underlying cause associated with psora. 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

James Kent on Acute & Chronic Remedies

  There are some "classical homoeopaths" who speak against treating acute diseases and always look for the complete "constitutional remedy". It is true that some individuals demonstrate the symptoms of the same remedy in an acute state as in their constitutional condition, but in true crisis, this is not always the case. It is the nature of the constitution, causation and symptomatology that decided the cases management strategy that is needed. Many modern "constitutionalists" consider themselves to be following in the footsteps of the great practitioner, Dr. James Kent. Did Kent only give constitutional remedies? Did he avoid the treatment of acute diseases? Did he mix the acute and chronic symptoms together in one grand totality? Where can we look to find out what Kent really thought on the nature of acute and chronic treatment? In true acute crisis the active layer of symptoms must be used as basis for the prescription of the remedy rather than the suspended chronic symptoms.
  The following quote is from the article called The Examination of the Patient (Continued) from Kent's Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy .
  "It is important to avoid getting confused by two disease images that may exist in the body at the same time. A chronic patient, for instance, may be suffering from an acute disease and the physician on being called may think that it is necessary to take the totality of the symptoms; but if he should do that in an acute disease, mixing both the chronic and acute symptoms together, he will become confused and will not find the right remedy. The group of symptoms that constitutes the image and appearance of the acute miasm must now be prescribed for. The chronic symptoms will not, of course, be present when the acute miasm is running, because the latter suppresses or suspends the chronic symptoms, but the diligent physician, not knowing this is so might wrongly gather together all the symptom that the patient has in a lifetime. "
  When an individual is suffering from a dangerous crisis, a serious accident or emotional trauma, or a virulent acute miasms, the treatment of choice is the acute remedy or acute intercurrent. After the acute state has subsided the underlying fundamental cause must be removed by complementary constitutional treatment to prevent reoccurrence and complete the cure. No remedy is exclusively an "acute remedy" by nature. A remedy becomes acute or chronic depending on the strategy of the homoeopath and how he applies the remedy. Deep acting remedies like Arsenicum, Mercury or Sulphur are often used in acute diseases if the symptoms of the acute layer calls for them. The key in such situations is not to mix the acute and chronic symptoms together in one grand totality as this confuses the case.
  Kent truly followed the teachings of the Organon on the use of acute and chronic remedies. He correctly reminds homoeopaths that when a strong crisis mistunes the vital force it suspends the chronic symptoms while the acute disease runs it course (Refer Org. §38, Layers). Many of our modern constitutional homoeopaths are much like the diligent physician of whom Kent was speaking. They mix all the symptoms of the acute diseases, chronic miasms and innate constitution altogether without paying attention to layers of symptoms. They always search for the 'one constitutional remedy' that treats everything at once. This can be a great mistake in a crisis caused by a strong exacerbation of a chronic miasm, an acute shock or trauma, physical injuries, or a virulent acute miasm. The proper remedy for such conditions are crisis remedies and acute intercurrents.
  The well respected British homeopath, Margaret Tyler, gives a graphic example of a crisis situation in her lecture on the remedy Nat-m in Homeopathic Drug Pictures. She speaks of her experience of treating a chronic Nat-m. patient during an severe acute headache. Dr. Tyler advises against the use of the constitutional remedy at this time because it may produce severe aggravations. She suggest instead the administration of Bryonia, an acute complement of Natrum Mur., to remove the acute symptoms, She then followings up with the chronic remedy to remove the underlying cause. This is advice comes from her years of experience experience in the clinic and should not be ignored. Not everyone is ready for their constitutional remedy the first time they are seen because the acute state is often what brings them to the homeopath.
  Kent echoes Mrs. Tyler advice on acute and chronic states in his Lesser Writings in Class-Room Talks (page 269).
  "Chronic tendency to congestion of the head, when Bell. has been the remedy that gave relief to the acute expression of the diseases, Calc [is complementary]. Now, I don't mean you to understand that during the attack Calc. would be the better remedy. Bell. corresponds more fully to the acute manifestation. Calc. would aggravate to strongly; but after the attack a dose of Calc. will cure the tendency to repeated return of these congestions."
  James Kent and Margaret Tyler truly followed Hahnemann's teachings on the nature of acute and chronic states and their similar remedies. If an acute crisis dominates the symptoms, the remedy of choice must focus on the active symptoms. If one reviews the modern simplified version of "Neo-Kentian Homoeopathy" one finds that it bears little resemblance to what Kent actually practiced. Kent was a Hahnemannian Homoeopath.

Dr. David Little