Tuesday, March 27, 2018

A case of pneumonia - Dr. E. A. Berridge

“March 8th, 1899, I visited a child 7 years old, at 3 p.m. The day before had been slightly languid, not so lively as usual, and did not care for her morning bath; also slight cough.
At 11 p.m. was seized with burning fever, rapid breathing, thirst, and occasional delirium. I found her lying on left side, breathing with mouth open. Pulse was 150; respiration, 80; temperature, 104.4˚F. No pain, though there had been head-ache. Thirsty for cold water often, drinking a moderate amount each time. No movement of nostrils, though her mother had noticed it once. Upper lobe of left lung consolidated, no air enters, no vocal resonance, and dullness on percussion. Pneumonic crepitation in the lower lobe of the left lung, Right lung normal.
Gave Phosphorus CM (Fincke) in water, a spoonful every 4 hours till relieved.

“March 9th, at 6 p.m., yesterday she could breathe with mouth closed, and the temperature had fallen to 104˚F. No return of delirium, and had a good night.
Today at 3 p.m. pulse was 110; temperature, 100.6˚F; respirations less frequent, but I could not count them satisfactorily. Air entering the whole of left lung freely. Cheerful and lively. Bowels have acted naturally. No thirst. A cough increased. The dose was taken at 7 a.m.

“March 10th, 5 p.m., she has had two more doses at 7 p.m. and again at 4 a.m. as a cough was troublesome. Now pulse is 104; temperature, 98.2˚F. Air enters still more freely, though there is still a little crepitation. Lively and wants more food.

Now stopped the Phosphorus, and she soon recovered fully.”

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